Monday, January 21, 2008


hmmm. january 21st now. omfg! 2008's jan is coming to a close. that's fast. so's sch. i think today's the 1st day of the last wk of sch. and i haven't finish my mol! damn it. lot's of backlog. lol.

hmmm.. everything sorta settled down. i guess i didn't make a wrong decision this time. what a rare moment.

i'm gonna focus more i guess. that's what i seem to say all the time. this is like the no. 123456780987642356789o78io067 time i've said it. lol. i dunno why there's alphabet mixed in. dun ask me. lol. the past wk has been. stressful. IAC NA COMPRO proj all cleared! wooooo! feeling liberated. pretty good feeling. and i've resume my gym/run regime. 10km by the end of friday. remind me to run if u see this post. lol.

oh. i watched le grand chef ytd. this particular line touched me.

'when bracken rain falls, it's time to say goodbye'

well, the following are spoilers. dun read if u intend to watch the movie. that particular line was actually part of a song, which is to mean when rain falls in the shape of bracken leaves, fisherman out at sea will not return. and the scene in which the old man sang it was actually very emotional.
i haven't been touch by a movie for a long time, the last time was when i watched world trade centre i think. can't be very sure. dun think i cried but certainly made me appreciate life more. i'm a pessimist, that was established quite a while back, for a movie to make me appreciate what i have is very rare.

pretty nice wk in general.
